The Boys

At Hope Springs we do extensive research to find quality sires that display excellence in the show ring and genetic clearances to best complement our incredible girls.

Wood's Rest Just a Stone's Throw Away (Duke)

CH Free Spirit Bella Mare X Willowbrook's Hole in One at Wood's Rest

Duke comes from a long line of AKC Champions and we are honored to have a litter of his puppies. Duke is champion pointed, has a strong stocky head, soft coal black coat and beautiful tapering "otter tail". Well loved by his owner Debra Wood of Wood's Rest Labradors, he is affectionate, obedient and intelligent.

OFA GOOD hips, OFA Normal elbows, OFA Normal heart (Ausculation, ECG and Echo), CERF Normal eyes, DNA clearances including PRA (the blindness gene) and EIC (exercised induced collapse).

Duke's Clearances